Web, Framer

3D Folders

Just some experiments with 3D in order to make efficient use of screen real estate with cards without clutter.

Mobile, Origami

Gradient Finder

Born out of frustration with the difficulty of finding gradients in Illustrator or Figma. Single screen app concept for finding linear gradients in the fastest way possible. Gradient color of the speaker cover was designed with the app.

Mobile, AfterEffects

Squeeze Pan & Zoom

Created to address the need for panning and zooming with only one hand and with minimum dexterity. Led to a patent application at Sony. One of the seeds for the centered side power button on XPERIA Z series.

Mobile, AE

Pan & Zoom

Created to address the need for panning and zooming with only one hand and with minimum dexterity. Led to a patent application at Sony. One of the seeds for the centered side power button on XPERIA Z series.

Mobile, Flash


As a part of the explorations of the Walkman vision, we created an interface that mimics the tuning of a radio to browse music only by listening to snippets. Led to a filed patent.

© 2024 Bilgi Karan